Tutoring By Robert

Only the Essentials 202 SAT Summary EBook


Only the Essentials 2024 SAT Summary is designed as a short e-book that serves as a refresher for all of my students before they take the test. Think of it as a detailed study guide before you crush that final exam. I encourage all of my current students to pick up this guide and use it to review all of the major topics the night and morning before they take their next SAT.

That said, the Summary document is also designed as a stand-alone product that will be beneficial to students who haven’t had a chance to sit at my table. For less than the cost of half of a session, you can have an e-book that captures all of the salient points on every topic that I cover. This e-book contains an example of many of the most difficult types of questions. I’m usually 100% booked several weeks before the SAT is offered, and many students are left on the outside looking in, especially if they do not live close enough to Macon, Georgia. This e-book, coupled with the College Board study guide (AKA the Blue Book), will offer the bright student a real opportunity to improve his or her score for a fraction of the cost of an in-person tutor.
