Welcome to Tutoring by Robert

years experience
About Us
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I offer tutoring services and test prep for high school and college students. I specialize in math, science and English. I have been training teens and young adults for over 20 years, and I am very experienced in teaching students with special considerations. I have tutored numerous students with ADD, ADHD, working memory problems, and dyslexia.
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Most Popular Subjects
Reading and English
High School &
College Math
High School &
College Science
Test Prep Strategies
What Students Say
Policies and Frequently Asked Questions
I work in 90-minute increments on weekdays and on Saturdays. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I do sessions at 4:30. On Saturdays, I make myself available from 2:00-5:00 p.m.
My rates as of 2023 are $81 per 90-minute session. Rates are subject to increase in August of each year.
I am currently working from a home address in which I can ensure someone else–in addition to the tutor and student–is always in the home. My first concern is student safety, performance, and comfort. Please contact me via email or text for the address.